

Manual Adjusting

Manual chiropractic adjustments are individually tailored and have had much success over the years of relieving back pain, neck pain, hip pain, and much more


Once the misaligned area is found, a small, spring-loaded tool designed specifically for Chiropractors is placed on the misaligned bone. The tool delivers a low-force thrust to the area, which helps to bring it back to the aligned position. When using the instrument, I am able to move quickly from one spot to another, decreasing your body’s tendency to tense.

Patients that may benefit the most from the Instrument technique are:

  • People who aren’t fond of manual adjustment techniques

  • Children

  • People with pain in their extremities, such as ankles, wrists and neck

  • Elderly

  • Those with low bone density (osteoporosis)



Leander Flexion/Distraction

While laying face down on one of our special tables, I will place one hand on your spine while the table simultaneously lowers under your legs, creating an increase in disc space for you. This process gently separates your vertebrae and allows for an increased range of motion while providing a nice stretch and relaxing your spine.

Thompson Drop

The doctor will ask the patient to lie face down on the drop table in order to measure their leg length in the extended position and best position.  After many tests, the Doctor will then proceed with the adjustment, assisted by the action of the drop piece. The table’s drop piece will be set to your weight and cocked.  The Doctor will then place a hand on the drop segment.  A thrust is then applied and the segment of the table will drop gently, thus assisting the
manipulation as the adjustment occurs, allowing for a gentle yet assertive adjustment.



Pregnancy Therapy

The goal of the Pregnancy Therapy is to provide an analysis and diversified adjustment for the care of a pregnant individual.  This technique is utilized in means of correcting a sacral subluxation which in turn could ease labor for the mother.  The correction produced through this technique may have a positive effect on the labor for the mother.

Therapeutic Exercises

Therapeutic exercises refers to a wide range of physical activities that focuses on restoring and maintaining strength, endurance, flexibility, stability and balance. The goal of therapeutic exercises is to restore function to an injured tissue.



Paraffin Wax

It is used as a therapeutic treatment for arthritis, muscular pain or joint sprains. It is a form of moist heat that is used for your hands or feet to ease the pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis.  Paraffin especially helps to reduce pain and loosen up your hand and finger joints before exercise